PK Brussels Vol. 13

Pecha Kucha Brussels will have its 13th Vol. on May 6th 2010 at Bozar, in partnership with and opening the Human Cities Festival.

The line-up of speakers is on

Pecha Kucha for Haiti


24-hour global PechaKucha event to support Architecture for Humanity rebuilding in Haiti

Jan. 28, 2010, Tokyo – In a matter of seconds, thousands of lives and dreams were destroyed in Haiti.

Following the tragedy, aid came from many quarters, in all shapes and forms. The global PechaKucha family is coming together with Architecture for Humanity to lend a hand in rebuilding Haiti and establish long-term solutions. Please help us spread the word about our global event in February: 200 cities, 2,000 presentations, 200,000 people.

PechaKucha Global Day for Haiti

On Feb. 20, the 276 cities that host PechaKucha events worldwide will converge to present one continuous 24-hour edition of PechaKucha Night. Kicking off at SuperDeluxe in Tokyo, where PechaKucha Night was first conceived seven years ago, the presentation wave will travel eastward, with cities presenting one after the other. Crossing all times zones and cultures, the event will be streamed live online and then finish in Tokyo the following day.

Already presentations are being prepared – some intended to offer hope and encouragement through stories of past disaster relief projects; others as simple inspiration by showing the power of creative thinking.

All of the 2,000 presentations generated from the one-day event – in what could be the world’s biggest single-day globally distributed conference – will be posted on the PechaKucha website, where visitors will also be able to make monetary donations to the project.

All proceeds will go to Architecture for Humanity for rebuilding Haiti. AFH operates globally, and was instrumental in getting projects built after the Indian Ocean tsunami and Hurricaine Katrina. The design costs for the new buildings in Haiti have been already covered so all donations will go directly toward the construction of much needed schools, health clinics and community structures.

In organizing this event PechaKucha intends to not only raise funds through pledges from host cities and contributions from individuals but also illustrate the power of innovative minds, creative passion and, most of all, sharing ideas for change and sustainability.

PechaKucha for Haiti launch in Tokyo / Davos with Klein Dytham architecture and Architecture for Humanity.

PechaKucha – The story so far.

PechaKucha Night was conceived in Tokyo in February 2003 by architects Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein of Klein Dytham architecture ( as an event where young designers could meet, network and show their work in public. Over time, it has evolved into a massive celebration of creativity, with events regularly being held in over 270 cities. Last year, more than 6,000 presentations will given at +600 PechaKucha events.

Drawing its name from the Japanese phrase for the sound of conversation (“chit chat”), the PechaKucha format is simple – 20 images x 20 seconds – and designed to keep presentations concise and moving at a rapid pace.

A volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to building a more sustainable future through the power of professional design. Founded in 1999, this design services firm channels the resources of the global funding community to meaningful projects that make a difference locally.

Media Enquires
Tomoko Kagawa
81 (0)3 5795 2277

ready for PK Vol 11 in Brussels

All is nearly set and 450+ persons expected at Kaaitheater. Be there early.

Registration is closed in a minute. Just come to the venue and we will find a way to have you in.

Adios Summer Break

PKN 09 speakers list published. Finish the summer break. See you on 19th Sept. at Recyclart.
Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol.09 speakers planned on September 19th 2009 are
_ Alain Berteau, architect-designer
_ Lise Coirier, Lipstick Stories
_ Bram Crevits, Cimatics Festival
_ Christophe Dessouroux, Mister Emma – ArchiUrbain
_ Ana Faria, Education Audiovisual and Culture, European Commission
_ Serge de Gheldere, sustainable design engineer, Al Gore “climate ambassador”
_ Magnus Jonsson, creative advisor, Interactive Institute: Reflection(s) and Technology
_ Marc Lagrange, photographer
_ Laurent Ledoux, post-capitalism and co.
_ Isabella Lenarduzzi, founder JUMP, for advancing women
_ Carmela Locantore, comedian, photographs in Morocco
_ Ramia Mazé, senior researcher, Interactive Institute: Design for Debate
_ Jeroen Roppe, Radio FM Brussel
_ Bas Smets, architect
_ Frank Theys, artist

Updates will be on
and for PKN 10, get ready and book the Nov. 7th at BOZAR Brussels. More soon.

paris 24 june 2009

Today takes place a PKN in Paris – vol. 09

“PechaKucha Paris volume 9 : dessein(s)

Le 24 juin prochain, au Divan du Monde, PechaKucha Paris volume 9 met en lumière les desseins de 12 designers. A travers des projets dont les représentations, virtuelles ou tangibles, questionnent le processus de création, des architectes, des designers industriels, des graphistes nous invitent dans l’envers du décor. Sur le rythme habituel de 20 images, chacune projetée pendant 20 secondes, ils poseront les termes de l’équation éthymologique du mot design. design = dessein + dessin. Jouant sur ce double sens, les designers dévoileront les étapes de leur trajet créateur. Chacun, en évoquant la naissance d’un objet, d’une interface ou d’une construction, retracera le cheminement qui conduit de l’idée à sa représentation. Cerner les intentions, les objectifs du designer, tel est l’enjeu de ce 9ème volume.”


Pecha Kucha Night Brussels meeting PKN Barcelona few days ago … in BCN – cool

from Paris

Pecha Kucha Night Paris was speaking at Pecha Kucha Brussels.
Thanks for visiting us and this post:

L’équipe de PechaKucha Paris s’est faufilée jeudi 14 mai dernier dans la sélection des speakers de PechaKucha Brussels, à l’invitation sympathique d’Alok Nandi (Architempo), l’organisateur des soirées dans la ville. L’opportunité de capter des impressions, de tisser toutes sortes de connexions et surtout de partager avec le public, cosmopolite et nombreux, 20 images pour présenter *designers interactifs* ainsi le making-off de PechaKucha Paris.

Dans l’ambiance rouge du Claridge, un ancien cinéma, tandis que l’espace s’emplit peu à peu des quelques 500 invités, Alok Nandi s’affaire et accueille un à un les 13 speakers de la soirée. 20h20 sonnent et Alok marque métaphoriquement sur son micro les 3 coups qui annoncent le début d’une représentation donnée majoritairement en anglais, mais aussi en français et en flamand. 13 écrans en tout multiplient avec la régularité métronimique de rigueur les images. Un neuro-psychologue, un cuisinier, une comédienne, des slammers, un architecte égrennent leurs images avec un même sens du rythme, pour partager des projet réalisés, une idéologie ou des théories. C’est en ce sens que la performance éclaire la vocation performative des mots.

Troisièmes dans l’ordre de passage, nous voici de l’autre côté du miroir, lancés à la vitesse du son à travers les 20 images que nous n’avions pas voulu trop répéter. Eblouis par la poursuite du projecteur, nous discernons mal le public. Nous éprouvons, comme nous l’ont souvent confiés nos speakers, l’étourdissement sensoriel du passage sur scène. La genèse rapide de PechaKucha Paris, mais surtout, l’idée que nous cultivons, à travers l’événement et notre engagement associatif, l’envie de mettre sur le devant de la scène les designers.

Puis, une comédienne apparaît déguisée en lapin, un épicier de 24 ans présente un excellent concept de réseau social tangible, des slammers clôturent ce défilement linéaire par une brillante scansion poétique. Quelques photos.

Photos on their site

Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol.09

Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol.09 is taking place on Sept. 19th, 2009.

Important Note in Brussels

Unbelievable. Inacceptable. I discovered today that a political party is organizing a pechakucha, stealing the name & format.
Please note that PKN Brussels has nothing to do with the evening organized in Brussels on May 28th. There is no affiliation and we are trying to know who is organizing this evening.

PKN Brussels is organized by Alok Nandi, Architempo, as part of the Global PK activities with Astrid Klein, Mark Dytham and the PK HQ in Tokyo.
This abusive undertaking is simply unethical.

Alok b. Nandi
Brussels, May 28th 2009

5 seconds after mentioned at pkn 08 brussels

Pecha Kucha Brussels was again full hall and some pictures to be published soon (time, time, time, … where are thou …).
PKN08 was twittered during the evening and here is the address

Also, this picture was online 5 seconds after taking it thanks to NeK and twitpic

See you on Sept. 19th for PKN 09
Enjoy the summer !