PK Vol. 14 line-up

The 14th volume of Pecha Kucha will take place at Recyclart on 21st Sept. + some cool surprises :

line-up on

PK Brussels Vol. 13

Pecha Kucha Brussels will have its 13th Vol. on May 6th 2010 at Bozar, in partnership with and opening the Human Cities Festival.

The line-up of speakers is on

10th Night in Brussels at Bozar

the line-up is on-line for the 10th Pecha Kucha Night in Brussels
see and do register as it is running

The list of speakers foreseen for Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol. 10 are:

_ gRig – the Guild for Reality Integrators & Generators
_ Bud Blumenthal, dancersproject
_ Frank Boermeester, The Fifth Conference
_ Stephan de Brabandere & Paolo Pelizzari, Extrattitude, The attitude of people who change the world for a cause
_ Valérie Cordy, metteure en scène, SpamDigest
_ Bernard Deprez & Sebastian Moreno-Vacca, PMP, LaCambre, Be.passive
_ Christophe Emma, café numérique at Mirano
_ Ana Faria, Education Audiovisual and Culture, European Commission
_ Serge de Gheldere, sustainable design engineer, Al Gore “climate ambassador”
_ Margarida Guia & Sylvie Mélis, poésie, sons, lumières, scratch, …
_ Walter Hus, composer, musician
_ Gerhard Jaeger, ART basics,
_ Bernard Lahousse, Sense for Taste, foodpairing
_ Caroline Nevejan, Presence / Trust, Amsterdam
_ Marc Noppen, CEO UZ VUB Brussel, Univ. Hospital
_ Stefan Remes, photographer
_ Pieter Vermeersch & Kurt Van Belleghem – artist & curator
and expect some more surprise and other stuff !

and part of the programme of Post-Flux

Adios Summer Break

PKN 09 speakers list published. Finish the summer break. See you on 19th Sept. at Recyclart.
Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol.09 speakers planned on September 19th 2009 are
_ Alain Berteau, architect-designer
_ Lise Coirier, Lipstick Stories
_ Bram Crevits, Cimatics Festival
_ Christophe Dessouroux, Mister Emma – ArchiUrbain
_ Ana Faria, Education Audiovisual and Culture, European Commission
_ Serge de Gheldere, sustainable design engineer, Al Gore “climate ambassador”
_ Magnus Jonsson, creative advisor, Interactive Institute: Reflection(s) and Technology
_ Marc Lagrange, photographer
_ Laurent Ledoux, post-capitalism and co.
_ Isabella Lenarduzzi, founder JUMP, for advancing women
_ Carmela Locantore, comedian, photographs in Morocco
_ Ramia Mazé, senior researcher, Interactive Institute: Design for Debate
_ Jeroen Roppe, Radio FM Brussel
_ Bas Smets, architect
_ Frank Theys, artist

Updates will be on
and for PKN 10, get ready and book the Nov. 7th at BOZAR Brussels. More soon.

paris 24 june 2009

Today takes place a PKN in Paris – vol. 09

“PechaKucha Paris volume 9 : dessein(s)

Le 24 juin prochain, au Divan du Monde, PechaKucha Paris volume 9 met en lumière les desseins de 12 designers. A travers des projets dont les représentations, virtuelles ou tangibles, questionnent le processus de création, des architectes, des designers industriels, des graphistes nous invitent dans l’envers du décor. Sur le rythme habituel de 20 images, chacune projetée pendant 20 secondes, ils poseront les termes de l’équation éthymologique du mot design. design = dessein + dessin. Jouant sur ce double sens, les designers dévoileront les étapes de leur trajet créateur. Chacun, en évoquant la naissance d’un objet, d’une interface ou d’une construction, retracera le cheminement qui conduit de l’idée à sa représentation. Cerner les intentions, les objectifs du designer, tel est l’enjeu de ce 9ème volume.”

Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol.09

Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol.09 is taking place on Sept. 19th, 2009.

5 seconds after mentioned at pkn 08 brussels

Pecha Kucha Brussels was again full hall and some pictures to be published soon (time, time, time, … where are thou …).
PKN08 was twittered during the evening and here is the address

Also, this picture was online 5 seconds after taking it thanks to NeK and twitpic

See you on Sept. 19th for PKN 09
Enjoy the summer !

Run-up to Claridge in Brussels May 14th

Looks like Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol.08 will be crowded ! Register fast.
All tests have been done – 11 screens in a great Art Deco venue.
See you there.

Registration for Pecha Kucha Brussels

Vol.08 is taking place at Claridge and registration is open via EventBrite

An 11 screens venue ! and speakers names to be published soon. Stay tuned …

Speakers of Pecha Kucha May 14th in Brussels

Speakers foreseen on May 14th, 2009 are
_ Isabel Biver – Brussels disappearing cinema venues
_ Eric Boschman – cuisine stories
_ Philippe Claeys – Earth Sciences VUB
_ Axel Cleeremans – neuro-psychology, ULB – Consciousness, Cognition & Computation
_ Jan Coenen – a20 architects
_ Benoît Drouillat – Pecha Kucha Paris and Designers Interactifs
_ Naemia – style and fashion / photos by Ahmed Bahhodh
_ Victor Levy – architect, photographer, professor La Cambre Archi and Victor Horta
_ Joëlle Liberman – Egerie Research, trends and qualitative research
_ Pierre Portevin – C-Bridge, collective intelligence
_ Geoffroy Simon – getyoo, RFID and social networking
_ Frank Theys – artist
_ Eric Tirlo – Kin-Ball sport
_ Olivier Verbeke – microplaza, knowledgeplaza, social media
_ Maarten Vandenbroucke – unmanned aircraft systems, aerial images
_ Isabelle Wéry – comédienne
_ Théâtre de la Vie – slam stories

and a special appearance by
_ St-Lucas Design School students w/ Annelies Vaneycken – “Accents” workshop